COVID 19: What It Could Mean For Our Environment

COVID 19: What It Could Mean For Our Environment

The coronavirus (or COVID-19) pandemic is synonymous with the saying “never underestimate your enemy”. One morning we’re going about our day making jokes about the outbreak and the next, we’re scared into isolation. With each passing day, news of growing death rates...
Causes And Symptoms Of Insomnia

Causes And Symptoms Of Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep-health concern experienced by one in every four people[1], characterized by changes in energy levels, mood, concentration, performance, and quality of life. As common as insomnia is, it may or may not be a major health concern depending on...
Types Of Insomnia And Who May Be At Risk

Types Of Insomnia And Who May Be At Risk

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder[2] that has several detrimental effects to a person’s health.[1] To learn more about insomnia and how it works, check out our article on what is Insomnia. Without further ado, let’s examine the types of insomnia and who may be at...
How to Cure Insomnia

How to Cure Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder[1] that not only affects your daily function but contributes to severe health problems. There are different reasons why you may be experiencing insomnia, and in some cases, it may pass, given time. Some other cases may require a...
What Is Insomnia And How Does It Work?

What Is Insomnia And How Does It Work?

Sleep is very important to longevity. While you’re asleep, your brain and other vital organs are functioning to preserve your mental and physical health, as well as your safety, quality of life, and emotional wellbeing.[1] Thus, the lack of sleep is detrimental to...
Top 6 Benefits of Antioxidants

Top 6 Benefits of Antioxidants

From our hearts to our brain to our very own skin, antioxidants protect our organs. In our previous article, we explain how antioxidants work in our bodies. Most of these benefits come from the simple idea that these molecules prevent cellular damage. They buffer the...

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